Intro to Improv Quilting

from $0.00

In this class, you will learn how to make quilt blocks using techniques that emphasize improvisation, ease, and joy. You will leave class with one quilt block ready to be add to piece of clothing, as the start of a larger quilt, or to use in another project like a pillowcase or tote bag.

Basic familiarity with a sewing machine required. While people who are more advanced are welcome in class, you only need to know how to sew two pieces of fabric together using a straight stitch on a sewing machine. (Check out Sewing Machine 101 here!)

All fabric and materials and tools provided. (Bring your own sewing machine if you have one and would prefer to use your own.)

Saturday, June 15, 2:15-5 p.m. at OffCenter Community Arts Project, 808 Park Ave SW, ABQ 87102.

Tiered pricing Free: $0 / Base $10 / Core: $20 / Supporter: $40

Tiered Pricing:
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Teacher bio: Eliot Anderberg is a quilter and textile artist. Their work is rooted in improvisational techniques, using found materials, and joy as an
aesthetic. They are a self-taught sewer and quilter, and love to help others find the quilting techniques that feel joyful and easeful to them.

Materials provided. Feel free to bring your own sewing machine if you have one, but not required.

Why are there three prices? All of our classes are offered at a sliding scale, with a free option available to anyone that requests it. The middle price is the "true" cost of the class OffCenter needs to cover paying our teachers and providing supplies and materials. If you are able to support at a higher level, paying the top price helps ensure we're able to offer a variety of classes and always keep free spaces open for anyone that needs.

There are a limited number of free spots available online. If these are sold out, please email, call, or drop by the studio to sign up! Email