Intro to Screen Printing - June

from $0.00

Join us for Introduction to Screen Printing! This workshop will be a 3-session series over the course of 3 weeks on Saturdays from 2:15- 5 p.m. on June 1, 8, and 15.

We will learn the basics of single layer screen printing using a DIY method and mostly affordable/found materials. This class is intended for new/beginner level screen printers or intermediate screen printers who want to learn about the DIY methods used at OffCenter's printmaking shop.

June 1, 8, and 15, from 2:15-5 p.m. at OffCenter Community Arts Project, 808 Park Ave SW, ABQ.

Tiered pricing: $0/$25/$50/$75

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Teacher bio: Dre started volunteering at OffCenter as a printmaking shop intern in 2021 and is now on staff as the Printmaking Shop Manager. She's a local graphic artist who enjoys oil painting, drawing, and printmaking. She began screen printing during her internship here at OffCenter and is now leading workshops and teaching others the same DIY methods she has learned and loves using. 

Materials provided.

No experience necessary.

Why are there multiple prices? All of our classes are offered at a sliding scale, with a free option available to anyone that requests it. The base price helps contribute to keeping our classes running. The core price is the "true" cost of the class OffCenter needs to cover paying our teachers and providing supplies and materials. If you are able to support at a higher level, paying the top supporter price helps ensure we're able to offer a variety of classes and always keep free spaces open for anyone that needs.

There are a limited number of free spots available online. If these are sold out, please email, call, or drop by the studio to sign up! Email